Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Email Message to CPRB Regarding KCSU-FM

CPRB Readers: Here is an email message from Mario Caballero of KCSU-FM. Many thanks to Mr. Mario Caballero for clearing up the confusion. We will keep you posted as more information becomes available regarding this story. -CPRB Management


Mr. James,

The plan currently going forward is for the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System to enter into a time brokerage agreement with the soon-to-be new 501(c)3 non-profit, educational corporation, tentatively named the Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation. CSU students working in the Student Media department will continue to program KCSU-FM as they have since 1995. The BOG will retain the license. All of this has yet to be finalized as the University and the not-yet-formed corporation have not signed any documents. The BOG approved the concept of the new arrangement just recently, June 3, 2008. As you can imagine, it takes a bit of time to work out all the details. But it appears that everything is on track for a new agreement to be in place by August 1, 2008.

We have not heard of any attempt by Colorado Public Radio to acquire KCSU during this process.

We are trying to provide information as it becomes available for the public. But right now nothing is final. Everything is in a draft form while the University and the new company prepare a new agreement that will allow students to continue to work in a learning environment while serving the community.

Please feel free to contact me if you need more information.

Thank you for your interest.


Mario Caballero
Broadcast Operations Manager
Associate Director
Department of Student Media
Colorado State University



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